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Prof. Samira
Director of Writing Lab
Tecnológico de Monterrey,

Dr. Samira Hosseini obtained her BSc degree in Applied Physics from the University of North Tehran, Iran, and her MSc degree in Polymer Chemistry and a Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She served as a postdoctoral associate at Department of Electrical engineering, School of Engineering and Sciences, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico, and as a postdoctoral fellow at Research Laboratories of Electronics (RLE) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA. Currently, she is Director of Writing Lab at the Institute for the Future of Education within Tecnologico de Monterrey which focuses on Educational research, Faculty training, and enhancing the publication record of Tecnologico de Monterrey. She also holds the position of Research Professor at the School of Engineering and Sciences, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico. She is the Publication Chair at International Congress on Educational Innovation which takes place on an annual basis in Monterrey, Mexico and the founder of a workshop series titled Future of Educational Innovation which has received the technical sponsorship from IEEE-Region 9 as well as IEEE-Education Society. She is the author/co-author of more than 50 scientific publications and the inventor/co-inventor of 6 intellectual properties. Samira is the recipient of the Hero of the Year award for her outstanding achievements at Tecnologico de Monterrey. Moreover, two intellectual properties lead by her research team were selected for the Best Invention of the Year award by convocatoria programa jalisciense de fomento a la propiedad intelectual by the government of Guadalajara, Mexico. She is a level-1 member of the Mexican National Academy of Researchers and is on the Editorial Board of different international journals including Computers & Electrical Engineering, Journal of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence in Education, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, and Revista Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, among others. Moreover, Samira is trained as a certified executive & leadership coach accredited by International Coaching Federation and is certified in Goal Mapping and coaching crisis as well as coaching students.

Dr. Iván
Acebo Choy
National Coordinator
Tecnológico de Monterrey,

Iván Acebo Choy obtained his BA degree in Art History from Wabash College (Indiana, USA), an MA in Art Studies from Universidad Iberoamericana (Mexico City, Mexico), and a Ph.D. degree in Art Sciences from the University of Havana, Cuba. He has served as Cultural Attaché for the Canadian government in Mexico and has worked in the editorial industry in Canada. He also has taught Art and Art Theory and continues to produce academic publications about modern and contemporary Latin American art. Currently, he is the National Coordinator of Writing Lab in the Center for Educational Innovation at Tecnologico de Monterrey in Monterrey, Mexico.

Dr. Nora Marisa
León-Real Méndez
Internal Coordinator
Tecnológico de Monterrey,

Mexican researcher and academic. She has a PhD in Hispanic Literature from the University of California, Santa Bárbara (UCSB). She has presented her work at conferences such as the Coloquio de Literatura Mexicana of UC-Mexicanistas, the Festival Internacional de las Letras in San Luis Potosí, and the Monterrey International Book Fair. Her lines of research cover literary relations between Mexico and England, the study of narrative space, travel literature in the 19th century, and the representation of Mexico abroad. She has published papers in Signa Magazine, Romance Studies and Revista de Humanidades. She is co-author of the book Exploratrices europeas. Relatos de viaje a México en el siglo XIX (2017) and the author of Un abismo oblicuo. Espacialidad y espacio mexicano en la literatura británica (2021). Since 2012, she has been a professor and researcher at the Tecnológico de Monterrey. Currently, she is the Internal Coordinator of the Writing Lab.

Dr. Asad
Research Professor
Tecnológico de Monterrey,

Dr. Asad Abbas received his Ph.D. degree in Management Science from the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, People's Republic of China. For his doctoral candidacy, he secured the CAS-TWAS President's Fellowship. During his Ph.D. candidacy, he was selected as Young Scholar by CPRsouth and IDRC, Canada. He was awarded a full scholarship to attend a training workshop at the Yuan Ze University, Taiwan. He obtained his master's degree in Informatics from Örebro University, Sweden. For his master's research work, he received a travel grant from the Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Countries (SPIDER), SIDA, Sweden. Dr. Abbas is a Research Professor at the Writing Lab, Institute for the Future of Education, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico. He has several publications in highly reputed journals, such as the Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, Education and Information Technologies, Accountability in Research, Journal of Public Affairs and international conference proceedings of the ICSSSM2017, ICEGOV2020, IEEE FIE2020, and IEEE EDUCON2021. He is a candidate-level member of the National System of Researchers in the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) of Mexico. He is currently working as a guest editor and reviewer of many prestigious, indexed international journals and conferences. His current research focuses on innovation and technology management, knowledge management, information systems, soft skills, and higher education.

Dr. Kingsley
Research Professor
Tecnológico de Monterrey,

Dr. Kingsley Okoye received his Ph.D. in Software Engineering from the University of East London, UK, in 2017. He also completed an MSc in Technology Management in 2011, and a BSc in Computer Science in 2007. He is an MIET member at the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), UK, and a Graduate Member of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He is a devoted researcher in both Industry and Academia in hardware and software fields of Computing such as Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Advanced Analytics, Software Development and Programming, and Business Process Management. He has served as a Software Programming and Development tutor for the undergraduates. He has worked as a Data Architect, and currently is a Research Professor (Mentor) in The Institute for Future of Education, in the Center for Educational Innovation, Tecnologico de Monterrey. He is a member of the Mexican National Academy of Researchers (SNI) candidate level. He is also a member of the Machine Intelligence Research Labs, USA, and a member of the IEEE SMCS Technical Committee (TC) on Soft Computing. It is Kingsley's mission is to foster sustainable technical research and development, and provide solutions through critical thinking, creative problem-solving and cross-functional collaboration. He has contributed to research and project outcomes by participating, assessing, and evaluating their impact on the scientific and industrial communities. He has more than 35 scientific publications published as Books, Journal articles, Book chapters, and Conference proceedings (including Best Paper Award) in high-indexed Q1/Q2 reputable journals, book publishers, and conferences in the areas of Computing, Higher Education, and Educational Innovation, as a result of his research. He also serve as guest editor, editorial board member, program committee, co-chair and special-session organizer in reputable journals and conferences in Computing and Education; such as Computers and Electrical Engineering (Elsevier), Journal of Big Data (Springer), and IEEE sponsored (Scopus-indexed) conferences and workshop. His research interests include Process Mining and Automation, Semantic Web Technologies, Learning Analytics and Systems Design, Computing Education, Educational Innovation, Knowledge Engineering and Data Management, Internet Applications and Ontology.

Dr. Catalina
Postdoctoral Researcher
Tecnológico de Monterrey,

Dr. Catalina Olivas received her Ph.D. in Education Innovation from the Universidad de Sonora in 2023. She has over seven years of experience teaching at PrepaTec (High School). She is a member of the editorial team of Árte Entre Paréntesis, the Humanities and Fine Arts Department magazine of the Universidad de Sonora. She has participated in national and international conferences as a member of the technical committee, presenter, and co-author. She began to publish in Q1/Q2 journals in 2022 and looks forward to expanding her knowledge of academic research.

Translator and Editor

Having as a mother tongue the English language, Daniel has served as a writer, editor and proofreader of format and style in the United States. He earned a bachelor's degree in history from the College of William and Mary in Virginia in addition to holding two degrees of masters; namely, Master's in accounting from Virginia Commonwealth University and an MBA from the University of Dallas in Texas. He has professional experience in the healthcare sector where he served as CEO and CFO of hospitals, nursing homes and medical centers. Owner of a publishing and editing company, Daniel has spent the last decade publishing and editing books and documents for authors and speakers. Inspired by experiences lived in Monterrey, Daniel wrote and published two novels set in locations in the same city; he co-authored a third book and published a book of short stories. Supporting the teaching work of the professors of Tecnologico de Monterrey through the Writing Lab, Daniel participates in the translation, editing and revision of the format of the scientific products that are published in indexed journals or presented in congresses. His work is part of the effort to disseminate the Educational Innovation that the teachers in the Tecnologico de Monterrey carry out in the classrooms and labs.

Tecnológico de Monterrey,

Originally from Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas, Martha is studying the seventh semester of the International Business degree, English language version, at Tecnologico de Monterrey. She began her work at the Writing Lab in September 2023 as a Campus Intern. She enjoys reading about different topics or genres in her free time, especially fantasy and world history.

Ana Teresa
Tecnológico de Monterrey,

Ana Teresa is originally from the State of Mexico. She is now in her sixth semester of Digital Arts in Animation at Tecnologico de Monterrey. Ana joined the Writing Lab as a Campus Intern in April 2024. She is the Marketing Director of the student group "InspirArte." In her spare time, Ana enjoys reading fantasy books and drawing.

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