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The journals listed below cover topics related to finance and accounting policies and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to leadership, management, and administration and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to agriculture economy and history and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to cultural and historical studies, communication, music, and art and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to different aspects of molecular medicine and biochemistry and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to bioinformatics and research methods and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to different aspects of biological studies and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to business strategies, communications, and transactions and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to different aspects of chemical studies and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to media and communication platforms and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to computer-assisted learning, distant learning, and different aspects of computer sciences and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to different aspects of dental studies and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to social, environmental, and economical studies and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to various aspects of Education including higher Education, evaluation, teaching and learning, metacognition and, and students' assessments among others.
The journals listed below cover topics related to technological and engineering advancements and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to different aspects of geographical and environmental studies and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to ethics in various disciplines and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to finance and economy and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to various health professions and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to legal studies and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to research within academic libraries and its interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to teaching, learning, testing, and managing various language-related aspects and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to academic management and policies for teaching and learning and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to marketing and its interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to mathematics, statistics, and measurements and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to various aspects of medical studies and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to multidisciplinary strategies and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to mind, brain and cognitive abilities and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to nursing teaching and training and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to nutrition behaviours and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to physics and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to globalization, leadership, and technology and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to different aspects of psychological studies and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to globalization, leadership, and technology and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to various aspects of social sciences and humanities and their interface with Education.
The journals listed below cover topics related to teaching and learning process when dealing with individuals with special needs and disabilities and the impact of these studies on Education.

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